
This Website is a personal blog written and edited by me – and only ME! I share my opinions regarding health and wellness solutions that I found efficient for myself, and I recommend products I love which have shown me good results after their use.

All the opinions are 100% mine. When you purchase products through links on my pages I earn some commission. This helps me to keep my site running. There are no extra costs to you at all for using my links.However, I don’t get paid to recommend or to sell products that I don’t use.

I am also compensated by advertisers for the time and effort I put in sharing my information with you. You may also see ads in the sidebar, footer or header. I get compensations for these as well.

Reminder: Not all the guidance I give you might work for you as it worked for me, so it’s your choice rather or not taking my advice I recommend as a solution for your health and wellness issues.